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This post is all about tree collars and tree skirts.
Tree collar vs tree skirt. It sounds like this could be a major debate, but I’m going to go right out and say from the beginning you can’t go wrong with either. Both have such a vast number of styles and options nowadays that you are sure to find something beautiful and that will suit your style. With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to think about how you will decorate your Christmas tree this year. Maybe it’s time to change things up a bit? Read on to get some ideas and inspiration for your Christmas tree.
Are you Team Tree Collar or Team Tree Skirt?
Tree Collars
First you may ask, what is a tree collar? Simply put, it’s a ring that gets put around the base of your tree essentially covering your tree stand. Tree collars first appeared a few years back on Pinterest. I remember searching stores for a tree collar with no luck – I’ll admit I was very much intrigued with the look of it right from the beginning. Then last year I thought I would be purchasing a tree collar, but by the time I went shopping for one they were either out of stock or way overpriced. This year they are more widely available, and you can find many options in budget!
Tree collars, depending on the style, can have a very tailored and clean look. For an expensive look that is elegant and classy, they have beautiful hammered metal collars that come in various colors. I especially love the gold hammered look. If farmhouse is your style, go for a galvanized metal tree collar. The wicker baskets I feel can go with any style. So if you want a tree collar and are having trouble deciding, go with the wicker basket look!
Before buying a tree collar, there are a couple things I want to point out. First is the size of the tree collar. You want to make sure the tree collar you are purchasing will fit around your tree stand. Do this by simply measuring the widest part of your tree stand and check that measurement against the dimensions of the tree collar. If your tree stand can fit inside the opening of your tree collar, then you’re all good! Second thing I want to point out is about storage capabilities. Before you get too excited about choosing a tree collar, you should know not all tree collars are created equally. You will find that some are constructed as one piece, therefore this will take up a lot of storage space. If storage is an issue for you, there are many tree collar options that come apart making for easy storage.
Tree Collar Options:
Tree Skirts
Tree skirts, I would say, are the more traditional option. A tree skirt essentially is a large round piece of material that fans out around your Christmas tree. There are endless design options with tree skirts as well as many different price points, so there really is a tree skirt out there for everyone.
With the endless options out there, a few things you should consider before choosing a tree skirt are size, color and your design aesthetic. When looking at size, you want to choose a skirt that is proportionate to your space as well as your tree. For a larger tree, choose a large size tree skirt. The average size for large tree is around 56”. For a dramatic look, go for an extra large size. I’ve seen tree skirts as big as 84”! The next thing to consider is color. A simple rule to follow is to go with the general theme in your home. If your Christmas theme this year is red and gold, try selecting one of those colors. Have a blue Christmas theme? Try a gorgeous navy blue for your tree skirt. You can always go neutral with white or cream. Again, the options are endless! The last thing to consider is your design aesthetic. This is very important because you don’t want to clash two completely different styles. For example, if your have a very modern design aesthetic throughout your home, you might not want to go for a burlap tree skirt which would read very farmhouse style. Look around your home and the way you’ve decorated your rooms to figure out which style you lean towards. Simply sticking with your style will result in a seamless look throughout the Christmas season.
Tree Skirt Options:
It’s a Win-Win
Whether you stick to tree skirts or decide to try a tree collar this year, you really can’t go wrong as they are both beautiful options. And if you’re like me and put up more than one tree, why not mix it up and have both! I will be using our traditional ivory tree skirt around the “kids” small Christmas tree this year. But for our two large trees, I bought the below tree collars at Target this year and I am excited to try them out. Happy decorating my friends, and I wish all of you a very joyous Christmas season!
If you’re not quite ready to decorate for Christmas and maybe you’d like to focus on Thanksgiving first, check out these Thanksgiving decorating ideas.
This post is all about tree collars and tree skirts.